MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.DistributedIR


checkParforsForDistribution(state::ParallelAccelerator.DistributedIR.DistIrState) All arrays of a parfor should distributable for it to be distributable.

get_arr_dist_info(node::Expr, state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) mark sequential arrays

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.Comprehension


@comprehend(ast) Translate all comprehension in an AST into equivalent code that uses cartesianarray call.


comprehension_to_cartesianarray(ast) Translate an ast whose head is :comprehension into equivalent code that uses cartesianarray call.

process_node(node, state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) This function is a AstWalker callback.

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator


init() Called when the package is loaded to do initialization.

embed() This version of embed tries to use JULIA_HOME to find the root of the source distribution.

embed(julia_root) Call this function if you want to embed binary-code of ParallelAccelerator into your Julia build to speed-up @acc compilation time.

getPackageRoot() Generate a file path to the directory above the one containing this source file.

getPseMode() Return internal mode number by looking up environment variable "PROSPECT_MODE".

getTaskMode() Return internal mode number by looking up environment variable "PROSPECT_TASK_MODE".

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.Driver


captureOperators(func, ast, sig) A pass that translates supported operators and function calls to

runStencilMacro(func, ast, sig) Pass that translates runStencil call in the same way as a macro would do.

toCartesianArray(func, ast, sig) Pass for comprehension to cartesianarray translation.

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.API.Stencil


runStencil(inputs...) "runStencil" takes arguments in the form of "(kernel_function, A, B, C, ...,


process_node(node, state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) This function is a AstWalker callback.

@comprehend(ast) Translate all comprehension in an AST into equivalent code that uses cartesianarray call.

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR


lookupConstDef(state::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.IRState, s::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}) Look up a definition of a variable only when it is const or assigned once.

lookupConstDefForArg(state::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.IRState, s) Look up a definition of a variable recursively until the RHS is no-longer just a variable.

lookupDef(state::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.IRState, s::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}) Look up a definition of a variable.

lookupDefInAllScopes(state::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.IRState, s::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}) Look up a definition of a variable throughout nested states until a definition is found.

updateDef(state::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.IRState, s::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, rhs) Update the definition of a variable.

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR


AstWalk(ast, callback, cbdata) ParallelIR version of AstWalk.

PIRInplace(x) If set to non-zero, perform the phase where non-inplace maps are converted to inplace maps to reduce allocations.

PIRNumSimplify(x) Specify the number of passes over the AST that do things like hoisting and other rearranging to maximize fusion.

PIRRunAsTasks(x) Debugging feature to specify the number of tasks to create and to stop thereafter.

PIRSetFuseLimit(x) Control how many parfor can be fused for testing purposes.

PIRShortcutArrayAssignment(x) Enables an experimental mode where if there is a statement a = b and they are arrays and b is not live-out then

PIRTaskGraphMode(x) Control how blocks of code are made into tasks.

from_exprs(ast::Array{Any, 1}, depth, state) Process an array of expressions.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRLoopNest Holds the information about a loop in a parfor node.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst The parfor AST node type.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRReduction Holds the information about a reduction in a parfor node.


AstWalkCallback(x::Expr, dw::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.DirWalk, top_level_number::Int64, is_top_level::Bool, read::Bool) AstWalk callback that handles ParallelIR AST node types.

EquivalenceClassesAdd(ec::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.EquivalenceClasses, sym::Symbol) Add a symbol as part of a new equivalence class if the symbol wasn't already in an equivalence class.

EquivalenceClassesClear(ec::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.EquivalenceClasses) Clear an equivalence class.

EquivalenceClassesMerge(ec::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.EquivalenceClasses, merge_to::Symbol, merge_from::Symbol) At some point we realize that two arrays must have the same dimensions but up until that point

PIRBbReorder(x) If set to non-zero, perform the bubble-sort like reordering phase to coalesce more parfor nodes together for fusion.

PIRHoistAllocation(x) If set to non-zero, perform the rearrangement phase that tries to moves alllocations outside of loops.

TypedExpr(typ, rest...) This should pretty always be used instead of Expr(...) to form an expression as it forces the typ to be provided.

addUnknownArray(x::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Given an array whose name is in "x", allocate a new equivalence class for this array.

addUnknownRange(x::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Given an array of RangeExprs describing loop nest ranges, allocate a new equivalence class for this range.

add_merge_correlations(old_sym::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, new_sym::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) If we somehow determine that two arrays must be the same length then

asArray(x) Return one element array with element x.

augment_sn(dim::Int64, index_vars, range::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}) Make sure the index parameters to arrayref or arrayset are Int64 or SymbolNode.

call_instruction_count(args, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.eic_state, debug_level) Generate an instruction count estimate for a call instruction.

checkAndAddSymbolCorrelation(lhs::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, state, dim_array) Make sure all the dimensions are SymbolNodes.

convertUnsafe(stmt) Remove unsafe array access Symbols from the incoming "stmt".

convertUnsafeOrElse(stmt) Try to remove unsafe array access Symbols from the incoming "stmt". If successful, then return the updated

convertUnsafeWalk(x::Expr, state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) The AstWalk callback to find unsafe arrayset and arrayref variants and

copy_propagate(node::ANY, data::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.CopyPropagateState, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) In each basic block, if there is a "copy" (i.e., something of the form "a = b") then put

count_assignments(x, symbol_assigns::Dict{Symbol, Int64}, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) AstWalk callback to count the number of static times that a symbol is assigne within a method.

create1D_array_access_desc(array::SymbolNode) Create an array access descriptor for "array".

create2D_array_access_desc(array::SymbolNode) Create an array access descriptor for "array".

createInstructionCountEstimate(the_parfor::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Takes a parfor and walks the body of the parfor and estimates the number of instruction needed for one instance of that body.

createLoweredAliasMap(dict1) Take a single-step alias map, e.g., a=>b, b=>c, and create a lowered dictionary, a=>c, b=>c, that

createMapLhsToParfor(parfor_assignment, the_parfor, is_multi::Bool, sym_to_type::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, DataType}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Creates a mapping between variables on the left-hand side of an assignment where the right-hand side is a parfor

createStateVar(state, name, typ, access) Add a local variable to the current function's lambdaInfo.

createTempForArray(array_sn::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, unique_id::Int64, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Create a temporary variable that is parfor private to hold the value of an element of an array.

createTempForArray(array_sn::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, unique_id::Int64, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, temp_type) Create a temporary variable that is parfor private to hold the value of an element of an array.

createTempForRangeOffset(num_used, ranges::Array{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, 1}, unique_id::Int64, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Create a variable to hold the offset of a range offset from the start of the array.

createTempForRangedArray(array_sn::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, range::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}, unique_id::Int64, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Create a temporary variable that is parfor private to hold the value of an element of an array.

create_array_access_desc(array::SymbolNode) Create an array access descriptor for "array".

create_equivalence_classes(node::Expr, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, top_level_number::Int64, is_top_level::Bool, read::Bool) AstWalk callback to determine the array equivalence classes.

dfsVisit(swd::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.StatementWithDeps, vtime::Int64, topo_sort::Array{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.StatementWithDeps, N}) Construct a topological sort of the dependence graph.

estimateInstrCount(ast::Expr, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.eic_state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) AstWalk callback for estimating the instruction count.

extractArrayEquivalencies(node::Expr, state) "node" is a domainIR node. Take the arrays used in this node, create an array equivalence for them if they

findSelectedDimensions(inputInfo::Array{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InputInfo, 1}, state) Given all the InputInfo for a Domain IR operation being lowered to Parallel IR,

flattenParfor(new_body, the_parfor::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst) Takes a new array of body statements in the process of construction in "new_body" and takes a parfor to add to that

form_and_simplify(ranges::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}) For each entry in ranges, form a range length expression and simplify them.

form_and_simplify(rd::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData) Convert one RangeData to some length expression and then simplify it.

from_assertEqShape(node::Expr, state) Create array equivalences from an assertEqShape AST node.

from_assignment(lhs, rhs, depth, state) Process an assignment expression.

from_call(ast::Array{Any, 1}, depth, state) Process a call AST node.

from_expr(ast::Expr, depth, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, top_level) The main ParallelIR function for processing some node in the AST.

from_lambda(lambda::Expr, depth, state) Process a :lambda Expr.

from_root(function_name, ast::Expr) The main ENTRY point into ParallelIR.

fullyLowerAlias(dict::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, Union{GenSym, Symbol}}, input::Union{GenSym, Symbol}) Given an "input" Symbol, use that Symbol as key to a dictionary. While such a Symbol is present

fuse(body, body_index, cur, state) Test whether we can fuse the two most recent parfor statements and if so to perform that fusion.

generate_instr_count(function_name, signature) Try to figure out the instruction count for a given call.

getArrayElemType(array::GenSym, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Returns the element type of an Array.

getArrayElemType(array::SymbolNode, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Returns the element type of an Array.

getArrayElemType(atyp::DataType) Returns the element type of an Array.

getArrayNumDims(array::GenSym, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return the number of dimensions of an Array.

getArrayNumDims(array::SymbolNode, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return the number of dimensions of an Array.

getConstDims(num_dim_inputs, inputInfo::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InputInfo) In the case where a domain IR operation on an array creates a lower dimensional output,

getCorrelation(sng::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Get the equivalence class of a domain IR input in inputInfo.

getFirstArrayLens(prestatements, num_dims) Get the variable which holds the length of the first input array to a parfor.

getIO(stmt_ids, bb_statements) Given a set of statement IDs and liveness information for the statements of the function, determine

getInputSet(node::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst) Returns a Set with all the arrays read by this parfor.

getLhsFromAssignment(assignment) Get the left-hand side of an assignment expression.

getLhsOutputSet(lhs, assignment) Get the real outputs of an assignment statement.

getMaxLabel(max_label, stmts::Array{Any, 1}) Scan the body of a function in "stmts" and return the max label in a LabelNode AST seen in the body.

getNonBlock(head_preds, back_edge) Find the basic block before the entry to a loop.

getOrAddArrayCorrelation(x::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return a correlation set for an array. If the array was not previously added then add it and return it.

getOrAddRangeCorrelation(array, ranges::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Gets (or adds if absent) the range correlation for the given array of RangeExprs.

getOrAddSymbolCorrelation(array::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, dims::Array{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, 1}) A new array is being created with an explicit size specification in dims.

getParforCorrelation(parfor, state) Get the equivalence class of the first array who length is extracted in the pre-statements of the specified "parfor".

getParforNode(node) Get the parfor object from either a bare parfor or one part of an assignment.

getPastIndex(arrays::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, Array{Array{Any, 1}, 1}}) Look at the arrays that are accessed and see if they use a forward index, i.e.,

getPrivateSet(body::Array{Any, 1}) Go through the body of a parfor and collect those Symbols, GenSyms, etc. that are assigned to within the parfor except reduction variables.

getPrivateSetInner(x::Expr, state::Set{Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}}, top_level_number::Int64, is_top_level::Bool, read::Bool) The AstWalk callback function for getPrivateSet.

getRhsFromAssignment(assignment) Get the right-hand side of an assignment expression.

getSName(ssn::Symbol) Get the name of a symbol whether the input is a Symbol or SymbolNode or :(::) Expr.

get_one(ast::Array{T, N}) Take something returned from AstWalk and assert it should be an array but in this

get_unique_num() If we need to generate a name and make sure it is unique then include an monotonically increasing number.

hasNoSideEffects(node::Union{GenSym, LambdaStaticData, Number, Symbol, SymbolNode}) Sometimes statements we exist in the AST of the form a=Expr where a is a Symbol that isn't live past the assignment

hasSymbol(ssn::Symbol) Returns true if the incoming AST node can be interpreted as a Symbol.

hoistAllocation(ast::Array{Any, 1}, lives, domLoop::CompilerTools.Loops.DomLoops, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Try to hoist allocations outside the loop if possible.

insert_no_deps_beginning(node, data::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RemoveNoDepsState, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) Works with remove_no_deps below to move statements with no dependencies to the beginning of the AST.

intermediate_from_exprs(ast::Array{Any, 1}, depth, state) Process an array of expressions that aren't from a :body Expr.

isArrayType(typ) Returns true if the incoming type in "typ" is an array type.

isArrayType(x::SymbolNode) Returns true if a given SymbolNode "x" is an Array type.

isArrayref(x) Is a node an arrayref node?

isArrayrefCall(x::Expr) Is a node a call to arrayref.

isArrayset(x) Is a node an arrayset node?

isArraysetCall(x::Expr) Is a node a call to arrayset.

isAssignmentNode(node::Expr) Is a node an assignment expression node.

isBareParfor(node::Expr) Is this a parfor node not part of an assignment statement.

isDomainNode(ast::Expr) Returns true if the given "ast" node is a DomainIR operation.

isFusionAssignment(x::Expr) Check if an assignement is a fusion assignment.

isLoopheadNode(node::Expr) Is a node a loophead expression node (a form of assignment).

isParforAssignmentNode(node::Expr) Is a node an assignment expression with a parfor node as the right-hand side.

isSymbolsUsed(vars, top_level_numbers::Array{Int64, 1}, state) Returns true if any variable in the collection "vars" is used in any statement whose top level number is in "top_level_numbers".

is_eliminated_arraylen(x::Expr) Returns true if the input node is an assignment node where the right-hand side is a call to arraysize.

isbitstuple(a::Tuple) Returns true if input "a" is a tuple and each element of the tuple of isbits type.

iterations_equals_inputs(node::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst) Returns true if the domain operation mapped to this parfor has the property that the iteration space

lambdaFromDomainLambda(domain_lambda, dl_inputs) Form a Julia :lambda Expr from a DomainLambda.

makePrivateParfor(var_name::Symbol, state) Takes an existing variable whose name is in "var_name" and adds the descriptor flag ISPRIVATEPARFORLOOP to declare the

makeTasks(start_index, stop_index, body, bb_live_info, state, task_graph_mode) For a given start and stop index in some body and liveness information, form a set of tasks.

maxFusion(bl::CompilerTools.LivenessAnalysis.BlockLiveness) For every basic block, try to push domain IR statements down and non-domain IR statements up so that domain nodes

mergeLambdaIntoOuterState(state, inner_lambda::Expr) Pull the information from the inner lambda into the outer lambda.

merge_correlations(state, unchanging, eliminate) If we somehow determine that two sets of correlations are actually the same length then merge one into the other.

mk_alloc_array_1d_expr(elem_type, atype, length) Return an expression that allocates and initializes a 1D Julia array that has an element type specified by

mk_alloc_array_2d_expr(elem_type, atype, length1, length2) Return an expression that allocates and initializes a 2D Julia array that has an element type specified by

mk_alloc_array_3d_expr(elem_type, atype, length1, length2, length3) Return an expression that allocates and initializes a 3D Julia array that has an element type specified by

mk_arraylen_expr(x::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InputInfo, dim::Int64) Create an expression whose value is the length of the input array.

mk_arraylen_expr(x::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, dim::Int64) Create an expression whose value is the length of the input array.

mk_arrayref1(num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return an expression that corresponds to getting the index_var index from the array array_name.

mk_arrayref1(num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, range::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}) Return an expression that corresponds to getting the index_var index from the array array_name.

mk_arrayset1(num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, value, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return a new AST node that corresponds to setting the index_var index from the array "array_name" with "value".

mk_arrayset1(num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, value, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, range::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}) Return a new AST node that corresponds to setting the index_var index from the array "array_name" with "value".

mk_assignment_expr(lhs::Union{GenSym, Symbol, SymbolNode}, rhs, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Create an assignment expression AST node given a left and right-hand side.

mk_colon_expr(start_expr, skip_expr, end_expr) Returns an expression to construct a :colon object that contains the start of a range, the end and the skip expression.

mk_convert(new_type, ex) Returns an expression that convert "ex" into a another type "new_type".

mk_gotoifnot_expr(cond, goto_label) Returns a :gotoifnot Expr given a condition "cond" and a label "goto_label".

mk_mask_arrayref1(cur_dimension, num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Return an expression that corresponds to getting the index_var index from the array array_name.

mk_mask_arrayref1(cur_dimension, num_dim_inputs, array_name, index_vars, inbounds, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state, range::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}) Return an expression that corresponds to getting the index_var index from the array array_name.

mk_next_expr(colon_sym, start_sym) Returns a :next call Expr that gets the next element of an iteration range from a :colon object.

mk_parallelir_ref(sym) Create an expression that references something inside ParallelIR.

mk_parallelir_ref(sym, ref_type) Create an expression that references something inside ParallelIR.

mk_parfor_args_from_mmap!(input_arrays::Array{T, N}, dl::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.DomainLambda, with_indices, domain_oprs, state) The main routine that converts a mmap! AST node to a parfor AST node.

mk_parfor_args_from_mmap(input_arrays::Array{T, N}, dl::ParallelAccelerator.DomainIR.DomainLambda, domain_oprs, state) The main routine that converts a mmap AST node to a parfor AST node.

mk_parfor_args_from_reduce(input_args::Array{Any, 1}, state) The main routine that converts a reduce AST node to a parfor AST node.

mk_return_expr(outs) Given an array of outputs in "outs", form a return expression.

mk_start_expr(colon_sym) Returns an expression to get the start of an iteration range from a :colon object.

mk_svec_expr(parts...) Make a svec expression.

mk_tuple_expr(tuple_fields, typ) Return an expression which creates a tuple.

mk_tupleref_expr(tuple_var, index, typ) Create an expression which returns the index'th element of the tuple whose name is contained in tuple_var.

mk_untyped_assignment(lhs, rhs) Only used to create fake expression to force lhs to be seen as written rather than read.

mmapInline(ast::Expr, lives, uniqSet) # If a definition of a mmap is only used once and not aliased, it can be inlined into its

mmapToMmap!(ast, lives, uniqSet) Performs the mmap to mmap! phase.

mustRemainLastStatementInBlock(node::GotoNode) Returns true if the given AST "node" must remain the last statement in a basic block.

nameToSymbolNode(name::Symbol, sym_to_type) Forms a SymbolNode given a symbol in "name" and get the type of that symbol from the incoming dictionary "sym_to_type".

nested_function_exprs(max_label, domain_lambda, dl_inputs) A routine similar to the main parallel IR entry put but designed to process the lambda part of

next_label(state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Returns the next usable label for the current function.

nonExactRangeSearch(ranges::Array{Union{ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.MaskSelector, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData, ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.SingularSelector}, 1}, range_correlations) We can only do exact matches in the range correlation dict but there can still be non-exact matches

oneIfOnly(x) Returns a single element of an array if there is only one or the array otherwise.

parforToTask(parfor_index, bb_statements, body, state) Given a parfor statement index in "parfor_index" in the "body"'s statements, create a TaskInfo node for this parfor.

pirPrintDl(dbg_level, dl) Debug print the parts of a DomainLambda.

pir_alias_cb(ast::Expr, state, cbdata) An AliasAnalysis callback (similar to LivenessAnalysis callback) that handles ParallelIR introduced AST node types.

pir_live_cb(ast::Expr, cbdata::ANY) A LivenessAnalysis callback that handles ParallelIR introduced AST node types.

pir_live_cb_def(x) Just call the AST walker for symbol for parallel IR nodes with no state.

printBody(dlvl, body::Array{Any, 1}) Pretty print the args part of the "body" of a :lambda Expr at a given debug level in "dlvl".

printLambda(dlvl, node::Expr) Pretty print a :lambda Expr in "node" at a given debug level in "dlvl".

processAndUpdateBody(lambda::Expr, f::Function, state) Apply a function "f" that takes the :body from the :lambda and returns a new :body that is stored back into the :lambda.

rangeSize(start, skip, last) Compute size of a range.

rangeToRangeData(range::Expr, arr, range_num::Int64, state) Convert a :range Expr introduced by Domain IR into a Parallel IR data structure RangeData.

recreateLoops(new_body, the_parfor::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst, state, newLambdaInfo) In threads mode, we can't have parfor_start and parfor_end in the code since Julia has to compile the code itself and so

recreateLoopsInternal(new_body, the_parfor::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst, loop_nest_level, next_available_label, state, newLambdaInfo) This is a recursive routine to reconstruct a regular Julia loop nest from the loop nests described in PIRParForAst.

rememberTypeForSym(sym_to_type::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, DataType}, sym::Union{GenSym, Symbol}, typ::DataType) Add to the map of symbol names to types.

removeAssertEqShape(args::Array{Any, 1}, state) Implements one of the main ParallelIR passes to remove assertEqShape AST nodes from the body if they are statically known to be in the same equivalence class.

removeNothingStmts(args::Array{Any, 1}, state) Empty statements can be added to the AST by some passes in ParallelIR.

remove_dead(node, data::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RemoveDeadState, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) An AstWalk callback that uses liveness information in "data" to remove dead stores.

remove_extra_allocs(ast) removes extra allocations

remove_no_deps(node::ANY, data::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RemoveNoDepsState, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) # This routine gathers up nodes that do not use

replaceParforWithDict(parfor::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst, gensym_map) Not currently used but might need it at some point.

run_as_task() Return true if run_as_task_decrement would return true but don't update the run_as_tasks count.

run_as_task_decrement() If run_as_tasks is positive then convert this parfor to a task and decrement the count so that only the

selectToRangeData(select::Expr, pre_offsets::Array{Expr, 1}, state) Convert the range(s) part of a :select Expr introduced by Domain IR into an array of Parallel IR data structures RangeData.

seqTask(body_indices, bb_statements, body, state) Form a task out of a range of sequential statements.

show(io::IO, pnode::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForAst) Overload of Base.show to pretty print for parfor AST nodes.

simpleIndex(dict) Returns true if all array references use singular index variables and nothing more complicated involving,

simplify_internal(x::Expr, state, top_level_number::Int64, is_top_level::Bool, read::Bool) Do some simplification to expressions that are part of ranges.

sub_arraylen_walk(x::Expr, replacement, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) AstWalk callback that does the work of substitute_arraylen on a node-by-node basis.

sub_arrayset_walk(x::Expr, cbd, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) AstWalk callback that does the work of substitute_arrayset on a node-by-node basis.

sub_cur_body_walk(x::Expr, cbd::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.cur_body_data, top_level_number::Int64, is_top_level::Bool, read::Bool) AstWalk callback that does the work of substitute_cur_body on a node-by-node basis.

substitute_arraylen(x, replacement) replacement is an array containing the length of the dimensions of the arrays a part of this parfor.

substitute_arrayset(x, arrays_set_in_cur_body, output_items_with_aliases) Modify the body of a parfor.

substitute_cur_body(x, temp_map::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, Union{GenSym, SymbolNode}}, index_map::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, Union{GenSym, Symbol}}, arrays_set_in_cur_body::Set{Union{GenSym, Symbol}}, replace_array_name_in_arrayset::Dict{Union{GenSym, Symbol}, Union{GenSym, Symbol}}, state::ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state) Make changes to the second parfor body in the process of parfor fusion.

taskableParfor(node) Returns true if the "node" is a parfor and the task limit hasn't been exceeded.

toSNGen(x::Symbol, typ) If we have the type, convert a Symbol to SymbolNode.

toSymGen(x::Symbol) In various places we need a SymGen type which is the union of Symbol and GenSym.

toSymNodeGen(x::Symbol, typ) Form a SymbolNode with the given typ if possible or a GenSym if that is what is passed in.

uncompressed_ast(l::LambdaStaticData) Convert a compressed LambdaStaticData format into the uncompressed AST format.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.CopyPropagateState State to aide in the copy propagation phase.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.DelayedFunc Ad-hoc support to mimic closures when we want the arguments to be processed during AstWalk.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.DirWalk Wraps the callback and opaque data passed from the user of ParallelIR's AstWalk.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.DomainOperation Holds information about domain operations part of a parfor node.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.EquivalenceClasses Holds a dictionary from an array symbol to an integer corresponding to an equivalence class.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.FusionSentinel Just used to hold a spot in an array to indicate the this is a special assignment expression with embedded real array output names from a fusion.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InProgress A sentinel in the instruction count estimation process.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InputInfo Type used by mk_parfor_args... functions to hold information about input arrays.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.InsertTaskNode A data type containing the information that CGen uses to generate a call to pert_insert_divisible_task.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.PIRParForStartEnd After lowering, it is necessary to make the parfor body top-level statements so that basic blocks

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RangeData Holds the information from one Domain IR :range Expr.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RemoveDeadState Holds liveness information for the remove_dead AstWalk phase.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RemoveNoDepsState State for the remove_no_deps and insert_no_deps_beginning phases.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.ReplacedRegion Store information about a section of a body that will be translated into a task.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.RhsDead Marks an assignment statement where the left-hand side can take over the storage from the right-hand side.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.StatementWithDeps Type for dependence graph creation and topological sorting.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.TaskInfo Structure for storing information about task formation.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.cur_body_data Holds the data for substitute_cur_body AST walk.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.cuw_state Just to hold the "found" Bool that says whether a unsafe variant was replaced with a regular version.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.expr_state State passed around while converting an AST from domain to parallel IR.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.pir_arg_metadata A Julia representation of the argument metadata that will be passed to the runtime.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.pir_array_access_desc Describes an array.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.pir_grain_size A Julia representation of the grain size that will be passed to the runtime.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.pir_range Translated to pert_range_Nd_t in the task runtime.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.pir_range_actual Similar to pir_range but used in circumstances where the expressions must have already been evaluated.

ParallelAccelerator.ParallelIR.sub_arrayset_data Holds data for modifying arrayset calls.

MODULE: ParallelAccelerator.API.Capture


process_node(node::Expr, state, top_level_number, is_top_level, read) At macro level, we translate function calls and operators that matches operator names